
Change the Heart



Modeling Truth
Passion for Learning
Identifying Gifts


Overcoming Obstacles

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The Word of God is Our Foundation

Education – Discipline

Modeling Truth

While all truth is defined by God, He is not part of all that is deemed to be truth in today’s culture.  Every thing considered to be truth must be filtered through the Word of God.  So how do we know what is truth?  When we study God’s Word he gives us discernment, understanding and wisdom to identify what aspect of the knowledge we are receiving is truth.  If something is 99% true but 1% false, that 1% can easily lead us astray.  It is the deception of the lie.  Since God is the author of all truth, he delivers that truth through Holy Scripture, through His prophets, through nature, as answers to prayer, through visions and dreams.

Transformation Through Participation, Dedication & Application

Many very talented people never manifest their gifts because of their lack of drive and desire.  Others who are considered highly successful may have been poor students. This was true in the case of the famed Thomas Edison who was responsible for laying the foundation for so many of our modern conveniences.  He was by far the most talented entrepreneur of his time.  The goal of the educator is to create an environment for each student’s success recognizing the uniqueness of each individual.

Passion for learning

So where does the passion for learning come from?  Foundationally it must come from a desire to fulfill a purpose in life.  One must use caution however.  If the purpose is motivated by a desire for self-gratification, ultimately one will reach the top of the mountain and find there is nowhere to go but back down the mountain.  If the purpose is to fulfill a higher calling that blesses others, then when the top of the mountain is reached, it will put in plain view the top of the next mountain that is even higher.  Successful people are lifetime learners who are focused on increasing their knowledge, wisdom understanding and discernment.  These principles must be instilled in the lives of each student.  Life will never have meaning without an understanding that God is the author of all knowledge.

You can learn even more on this topic in our book, “In the Way They Should Go” (available in our store).

Identifying Gifts

The best method of teaching operates with an understanding that we are fearfully and wonderfully made by God. Therefore great education must identify God’s design in the life of a student. This includes various gifts, values, personality types and behavior patterns of students.  The gifts of course are broad based to include athletic ability, intelligence, spiritual gifts, capacity to assimilate and use information, critical thinking skills, and many other talents that make us unique in this world.

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