Health & Wellness

The Word of God is Our Foundation

Health & Wellness – Kingdom Resources – Health Coach

A health coach is someone that will walk alongside you to better health. They will give you general advice on nutrition, diet, exercise, sleep, and several other topics that you may need to be coached on. They will keep you accountable, and help you pursue a healthy lifestyle in all respects.

  • Lorene Hochstetler
    Lorene Hochstetler Health Coach

Lorene Hochstetler is a Stay At Home Business Owner and Health Consultant.
Products and services are cell supplementation for optimal health.
An Independent Associate w/USANA Health Sciences.

Prior to being a Health Wellness Coach, Lorene spent 12 yrs being a Mother, home schooling her 5 children.
Lorene offers personal one-on-one and group training to equip entrepreneurs in giving expression to their passions. As well as apprentices Health Coaches to launch their Organic Health Careers.
Lorene is the Founder of ‘Healing Body, Soul, & Spirit Ministry’ called “Sterling Prayer Life, LLC” as well as hosts Women’s Bible Studies in her home, and leads Women’s Prison Ministry Classes.
She resides near Columbus, OH with her Husband, Dan, passionate to first being Mother/Grandmother to her children, and always changing lives to better health and wellness.
Lorene can be reached at 740-485-0892

  • Lorene Hochstetler is clearly committed to excellence. She is open and willing to share what she has learned. It is rare that you meet someone with such obvious integrity and values. She has hugely diverse experience as a professional health coach and spiritual person. Her Diverse experience makes her a creative and valuable asset. I have seen her thorough efforts in networking with her clients and she will go far in her endeavors

    Dr Bill Carpentar
  • Lorene is a talented leader with commitment to her team to empower them to success. She is a role model for all of us at USANA on what a true leader and team builder should be. She is a woman of her word, a person you can depend to come through for you.

    Julie Dennis
  • When I see Lorene's name on the list of an event I am attending or considering being involved with, it lends immediate credibility to that particular event/activity. She operates from a place of integrity & authenticity that is very attractive. Lorene's passion for helping others realize and reach their potential is always evident. This is definitely a woman you want to get to know!

    Teresa Cleveland
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