Health & Wellness

The Word of God is Our Foundation

Health & Wellness – Knowledge – Essential Oils

A pill represents just a piece of the many essential oils that are mentioned in scripture.  In Ezekiel 47:12 it says, “Their fruit will serve for food and their leaves for healing.” The lifeblood of the leaf is the oil in the leaf.  A drug company cannot patent the oil because it is natural.  They can only patent a piece of the oil. That piece, called a pill, has side effects that cause all kinds of health hazards because it is not God’s perfect design. God’s design has no side effects.  It is a joke to watch TV and see one commercial outlining the benefits of the pill, then talking about the side effects that lead to, in many cases, death. The next commercial on tv often will talk about the lawyers that will sue the drug companies who dispensed the pill. There is a way to a more natural medication, and it starts with essential oils.

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