Life’s Work

The Word of God is Our Foundation

Life’s Work – Ministry – Change the Heart – Worship

The foundation for divine living is rooted in our purpose for being in this world. We are here first and foremost to worship God. All aspects of life are rooted in our need to worship Him. Worship is not just what we do on Sunday morning. It is much greater than that. Worship begins with a heart centered on loving God and loving our neighbor. It is an attitude of putting others first. It is a work ethic of looking for ways of blessing others through our means of making a living and in our walk with our neighbor. It is directly opposite of what the world teaches, “What’s in it for me?” It is praying each day for the divine opportunity to “reach people for Christ.” It is the art of becoming a marketplace pastor and making work our worship of the Lord. Pastoring in the marketplace is for everyone.

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